
Yoko Ono - Vertical Memory (Japanese Version)

Vertical Memory (Japanese Version)

by Yoko Ono

Media: 21 silkscreen print, 21 offset print, blue box
Size: 4.7 x 7.9 in (12 x 20.5cm)
Year: 2001
Edition: 81
Delivery Time : 2 weeks

Provided in the partnership with:
Gallery 360 degrees
  • Price of the work
  • US$1,300
+ Shipping fee

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Back in 2001, there was an exhibition titled "Vertical Memory" held at gallery 360 degrees. At the exhibition, Ono put 21 blur face prints with her words placed below. The photograph was an image of her father, her husband John Lennon and her son Sean Lennon combined in one and was swung as it gets blurred like a memory. Under each images, she put words of 21 men who had important relations in her life.

Yoko Ono Vertical Memory
Exhibition view of "Vertical Memory", 2001 at gallery 360 degrees
Note: The size of the work hung on wall above is a larger than the multiple work sold on this page.

This multiple was made along the exhibition. It contains 21 images and her handwriting words printed in silkscreen. Don't worry even if you don't read Japanese. It comes with an English translation sheet.

Her memory is starting from her doctor who delivered herself as a baby.

Doctor I
I remember being born and looking into his eyes. He picked me up and slapped my bottom. I screamed.

Through her words about men, some of them included her mother words which show how Ono was taught as a child.

Shosei (a young male assistant) He had oily hands and a red face with a big grin took me to school. I didn't like him, so I would walk very fast. But he always caught up with me. I told my mother that I could go to school by myself. "You still don't know how scary the world is, Yoko. A girl cannot go anywhere without an escort," said my mother.

There are 6 cards titled "artist" but all of them are kept blank and inspire our imaginations.

Doctor IX
He closed my eyes. "Hey, what do you think you're doing?" I said.
"You can't close my mind's eye!"

Ono had a hard time criticized by men. But at the same time, there were men who saved her life by believing in her talent.

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