

Sakae Ozawa

Sakae Ozawa Born in Shiga (prefecture in the middle west Japan), Sakae Ozawa is a painter who lives and works in both Kyoto and Tokyo. Ozawa's painting takes you into a wonderland where some magical or mysterious things will happen. It happens in a colorful forest, in a dark jungle or under the water. Despite the narrative depictions, Ozawa creates her works not by starting from building up a story. She starts from words or phrases popped up in her mind or found in a book. And sometimes, she starts from just a painted pattern and develops it into a creature. She lets the viewer to created their own stories and that is why we can't keep our eyes off of her work.
BA, Die Akademie der bildenden Kuenste Wien. Vienna, Austria.
BA, Kyoto University of Arts and Design. Kyoto, Japan
The Incentive Award of Kouji Kinutani
Takahashi Collection
Pigozzi Collection
The National Museum of Art, Osaka
Artist website
Mori Yu Gallery, Tokyo

Exhibition images


Sakae Ozawa - Amazon River
Amazon River
by Sakae Ozawa
Sakae Ozawa - Monster
by Sakae Ozawa
Sakae Ozawa - Remembering all and forgetting nothing
Remembering all and forgetting nothing
by Sakae Ozawa
Sakae Ozawa - Different Lies
Different Lies
by Sakae Ozawa
Sakae Ozawa - When the tree fell over, we were in the forest
When the tree fell over, we were in the fores...
by Sakae Ozawa

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