
Announcement Announcement

Azito blog started on Tumblr

posted on Oct. 25, 2011

Hello, we would like to announce you that we started a new blog on tumblr!

Azito Blog

Basically, I, Rasa will post some photos of the exhibitions I visited, articles I found interesting or thoughts came across in my mind on this tumblr. This will be more personal and casual compared to other social networking media.

Difference in each social media
Information Azito will send on each media.
new arrival works on Azito new topics on Azito JP artist outside of JP info of JP artist in JP/ articles/ thoughts
email Yes - - -
Facebook Yes Yes - -
Twitter Yes Yes Yes Some of them
Tumblr Yes Yes Some of them Yes

I know there are too many social medias these days and each media has its own strength. Here is the list of information we will sent on each media. Upper media is more official info related with Azito and when you go down, it will contain more information related to Japanese art scene and be more personal.

Rasa Tsuda, Azito
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