
Takashi Homma - New Waves

New Waves

by Takashi Homma

size: H18.11 x W22.44 in (H460 x W570 mm)
No Frame
Year: 2003
Edition 5
Delivery Time : 3 weeks
  • $2,000 (price of the work)
  • $90 (shipping to USA)
  • total $2,090
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The photographer Homma Takashi has been widely respected by young photographers since stirring up the photography world with series "Tokyo Kougai TOKYO SUBURBIA" from the late 1990s. He is known to be emblematic of the new generation of Japanese photography. The series "New Waves" has been taken at the North Shore in Hawai'i since 2000, and the continuation of this piece is part of Homma's life work. With a simple composition and a quiet perspective capturing each moment, the calm, changing appearance of the waves is apparent.

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